Best Human Foods for Dogs (and Foods to Avoid)

Best Human Foods for Dogs (and Foods to Avoid)

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Worried about what to feed your dog? This article lists the best human foods for dogs and foods that can harm your pet. 

The digestive system of dogs is different from that of humans.

While certain foods that humans consume are safe and healthy for dogs, some foods could be harmful; hence, it is important to understand and make the right food choices for your pet dog.

Best human foods for dogs

Some foods from your regular diet are safe for dogs too, and they can be given in limited to moderate quantities, which include the following:

  • Carrots: Both raw and cooked carrots are healthy for dogs. Carrots are a source of vitamin A that is beneficial for your dog’s immune system and skin and coat health.
    Chewing carrots also helps eliminate plaque from teeth and helps maintain good oral health in dogs.
  • Chicken: Boiled chicken is rich in proteins and micronutrients and is a good choice, especially during times when your pet’s stomach is upset.
  • Fish: Salmon and tuna are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids that help boost immunity and maintain fur and skin health.
  • White rice: Well-cooked white rice is easy to digest and binds the stool. It is a good food choice for pets with an upset stomach.
  • Cucumbers: Cucumbers are rich in vitamins K and C, potassium, and magnesium.
    A low-calorie food, cucumbers are a healthy choice for overweight dogs.

Food on the table

Human food dogs cannot eat  

You should never feed your dog the following foods:

  • Sweets, gum, and baked food: These foods could contain xylitol, which is a substitute for sugar. It may cause the blood sugar level to drop, leading to vomiting and lethargy.
    Long-term use can hamper liver health and function.
  • Onions and garlic: They contain organosulfoxides (sulfurs) that are poisonous to dogs and can cause stomach pain, vomiting, and diarrhea.
  • Raisins, grapes, and currants: These foods are highly toxic to dogs, and even small doses can cause kidney failure, and, in some cases, death.
  • Chocolate, coffee, and caffeine: These contain methylxanthine compounds that are toxic and can cause vomiting and an irregular heart rate. More severe complications include internal bleeding, muscle tremors, and epilepsy, and death.
  • Salty foods: Excess salt consumption can lead to sodium ion poisoning, which causes extreme thirst and urination in dogs.
    Symptoms of sodium ion poisoning include vomiting, diarrhea, involuntary shaking or tremors, fever, and seizures.
  • Alcohol: Never offer alcohol or food items containing alcohol to dogs.
    Alcohol is extremely dangerous for dogs and can lead to severe health complications including lung failure, coma, and death.
  • Nuts: Not all nuts are toxic to dogs; however, almost all nuts have a high-fat content. Moreover, feeding your dog salted nuts can lead to complications such as water retention.
    Certain nuts, like almonds, could cause choking in dogs. Macadamia nuts are highly toxic to dogs.

Remember, like humans, foods that suit one dog may not suit another. Consult a vet to understand the dietary needs of your dog.

Source: All About Pets. Is the Human Diet Safe for Your Pet Dog? 2021;1(2):1.

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